Enrichment Program
Science Inquiry
Science Inquiry Enrichment program is offered to students in third through fifth grade. This program is facilitated by certified science teacher. The group meets twice a week to explore a variety of science topics in depth. Hands-on projects that this group has studied include solar energy, wind currents, rocket science, and the lagoon ecosystem.
Student Directed Middle School Enrichment
The middle school enrichment program for eligible students in grades sixth through eighth meets once a week. Students who have been formally identified as gifted, or who meet the eligibility criteria established by the administration are invited to participate in the program. The program is facilitated by the art teacher and offers students an opportunity to work collaboratively on creative projects of their interest. The focus is to achieve a student led experience allowing for students to choose the direction of the learning opportunities within a given theme for the trimester. This program explores topics using research.
Individual Enrichment Contracts
Students are offered the opportunity to expand their learning and knowledge based on Enrichment contracts and individual learning plans in the classroom setting. All students are held to high expectations urging them to reach their full potential whatever that may be.